Isnin, 30 Julai 2012

~ Dapatkan Sendi Yang Sihat & Bebas Bergerak Dengan Shaklee Advance Joint Health Tablet ~

Salam Ramadhan...

Hari ni dah 10 Ramadhan... baru berpeluang nak menulis... Bagaimana dengan Ibadah Puasa anda? Semuanya berjalan lancar? Ibadah2 lain seperti Mengaji, Solat Tarawikh, dll... Oh yer, bercerita tentang Solat Tarawikh ni, orang2 muda sure tak jadi masalah kan... tak kira berapa rakaat pun buat... Tapi bagi orang tua seperti mak ayah kita, tentu agak sukar untuk melakukannya walaupun masih mampu... macam2 masalah... ye lah, dah tua ni, kesihatan mana nak sama dengan orang muda.. sakit sendi sana, sendi sini, lenguh sana, lenguh sini...

Ha, memang sesuai sangat Advance Joint Health Tablet (AJHT)  ni dilancarkan pada bulan Jun 2012 yang lalu... Jom lihat, bagaimana AJHT dapat membantu...

Kesihatan Sendi

Sendi-sendi membentuk hubungan antara tulang-temulang yang memberi sokongan dan membantu anda bergerak, Ia terdiri daripada tulang rawan, ligamen, tendon, dan cecair-cecair sinovia (bendalir yang melicinkan sendi-sendi) yang memberikan keselesaaan antara tulang-temulang dan membantu menyerap hentakan dari impak fizikal.

Sakit Sendi Dan Ketidakselesaan

Semakin umur meningkat, tulang rawan menyusut secara semulajadi.  Tekanan fizikal yang berterusan dan bebanan boleh mempercepatkan kerosakan tulang rawan dengan mencetuskan pembebasan kimia yang menyerang tulang rawan dan menyebabkan ketidakselesaan sendi dan pergerakan terbatas.


Dengan Shaklee Advance Joint Health Tablet, anda boleh mengekalkan sendi-sendi yang KUAT, FLEKSIBEL, dan MUDAH BERGERAK. 

Ia memberikan MANFAAT kepada sendi-sendi sihat dalam 3 CARA:

1. Menyokong Keselesaan Sendi - Ekstrak Boswellia (Menghalang pembentukan bahan kimia yang menyerang tulang rawan).

Ekstrak Boswellia merupakan gum resin dari pokok Boswellia Serrata.  Bahan aktif utamanya ialah asid boswelik (AKBA, asid 3-asetil-11-keto-beta-boswelik) yang berfungsi sebagai anti-radang semulajadi.  AKBA menyokong kesihatan sendi dengan menghalang bahan kimia daripada menyerang tulang rawan yang menyebabkan ketidakselesaan sendi.

2. Bertindak Sebagai Kusyen - Ekstrak Jagung (Membantu mengekalkan tulang rawan)

Ekstrak jagung membekalkan satu sumber yang pekat dengan glukosamina yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan sokongan kusyen sendi dan pemeliharaan tulang rawan.  Glukosamina adalah blok binaan utama bagi membina tulang rawan dan lendir bagi melincirkan sendi.

3. Memelihara Tisu Penyambung Yang Sihat - Zink, Tembaga, Mangan Dan Vitamin C (Nutrien penting dalam kesihatan sendi)

Zink, Tembaga, Mangan dan Vitamin C membekalkan sokongan nutrien untuk kolagen dan komponen tisu penyambung lain yang memberikan kekuatan dan struktur terhadap sendi.


* Sentiasa Berkesan - Mengandungi bahan semulajadi lain daripada resin Boswellia yang mempunyai bioktiviti yang lebih baik bila bergabung berbanding AKBA sahaja.  100% bebas kondroitin bagi penyerapan ekstrak jagung yang lebih baik.

* Sentiasa Selamat - 100% berasaskan sayur-sayuran.  Bebas gluten.

* Sentiasa Mesra Alam - Menggunakan botol BPA-Free dan boleh dikitar semula.

Siapa Yang Perlukan AJHT? 

* Lelaki dan wanita dewasa yang mencari produk semulajadi dalam mengekalkan kesihatan sendi mereka.

* Orang tua yang kebiasaannya mengalami tulang rawan menyusut dan sukar bergerak.

* Orang muda yang mempunyai gaya hidup aktif.


*** Setiap testimoni ini adalah pengalaman pengguna dan hasil setiap individu mungkin berbeza. Sila dapatkan maklumat lanjut dari pengedar anda dan jika perlu, dapatkan nasihat doktor terlebih dahulu.***

Mak saya mengalami sakit kaki sejak beberapa bulan yang lepas.  Kalau bangun waktu malam, beliau sukar hendak menjejakkan kaki ke lantai... terasa seperti menyucuk2... Kalau berjalan lama sikit, pasti beliau akan mengalami sakit kaki juga... Ianya lain... tidak seperti lenguh2 biasa tu... Biasanya beliau akan pergi ke klinik swasta untuk mendapatkan ubat...

Setelah AJHT dilancarkan, saya bercerita dengan mak saya... Saya tak pasti jika ia berkesan. Tetapi beliau yang minta untuk mencuba. Ternyata, ia memang berkesan. Selepas seminggu beliau mengambil AJHT sebanyak 2 biji sehari yang diambil bersama Ostematrix, kini sakit itu beransur sembuh... Katanya kaki juga semakin ringan... Alhamdulillah....

Hubungi saya untuk mendapatkan Maklumat Lanjut, Jadual Makan, Konsultasi Percuma dsb....

Jangan Lupa Hubungi Saya Ya.....

SYUHADA : 019-7062362
FB : Syuhada Wahi

** These statement have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration**
** These product are not intended to Diagnose, Treat, Cure or Prevent any disease**

Rabu, 18 Julai 2012

61 Cara Mudah Turunkan Berat Badan - Part 3

Jom sambung yang last ni... Part 3....

 41. When out to eat, split a meal. The portions are usually big enough to feed a family.

42. Skip Dessert

43. Don’t socialize around the food tables at parties. You’re more likely to munch mindlessly, even though you may not be hungry.

44. Don’t eat your kid’s leftovers. Every little bit of food adds up, including what we call “BLTs” (bites, licks and tastes).


45. Keep chips, dips, and other high fat junk foods out of the house. It’s not about willpower; it’s about being realistic.

 46. If you have a dog, take him for a walk. It’s better for both him and you than just letting him out the back. (Bonus: He’ll love you even more!)

47. If you don’t have a pet, offer to walk a neighbor’s dog. Make friends; lose weight.

48. Use smaller plates and bowls. There will be less room for you to fill up and it makes less food seems like more.

49. Skip buffets. It’s a foregone conclusion: If you don’t, you’ll feel like you have to get your money’s worth and overeat. For more instant weight-loss secrets – delivered to your inbox every day

50. Slow down. It takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes for your stomach to sense it’s full. If you wolf down your food like a starving dog, you’ll likely out-eat your hunger.

51. Decrease your food intake by 100 calories per day. Theoretically this translates to losing nearly 1 pound per month (1 lb = 3500 calories) -- with hardly any effort.

52. Buy a pedometer and accumulate at least 10,000 steps each day.

53. When possible, walk or bike to do your errands.

54. Don’t buy in bulk. The more that is there, the more that you’ll eat.

55. Plan ahead. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

56. Keep some healthy snacks -- like nuts -- in your glove compartment so you’re prepared at all times.

57. Take before pictures.

58. Get new friends. If your friends prefer pizza, wings, nachos and beer on a regular basis, find one’s who are like-minded and want to be healthy. Research has suggested that friends enhance (or can hurt) success.

59. Put yourself first. Many people (women in particular) put everyone else ahead of themselves and let their health fall by the side.

60. Remember: It’s not all or nothing. If you fall off the bandwagon, jump right back on. Don’t let yourself continue to fall until all progress has been lost.

61. Wake up early to exercise. You’re more likely to get it done if you don’t wait until after work.

Selasa, 10 Julai 2012

61 Cara Mudah Turunkan Berat Badan - Part 2

Okey, hari ni nak sambung lagi 20 tips... uish, lama tol nak update yer... huhuhu... So enjoy reading....

21. Watch your portions. Avoid the buffet line and never supersize. Instead make sure you’re following what the nutrition label recommends for a serving.

22. Switch to calorie-free drinks. All calories count, whether they’re liquid or solid. So unless it’s low-fat milk, opt for tea or water. Or something I was introduced to in the Netherlands -- large bunches of mint, lemon and hot water.

23. Weigh yourself. Studies show daily weigh-ins help enhance weight loss efforts. Don’t live and die by the number. And of course a scale doesn’t decipher between fat and lean body mass, but it can still be of benefit to keep things “in check.”

24. Eat whole eggs. Daily. A study published a couple years ago showed that those who ate whole eggs versus a bagel for breakfast ate less at the next meal. A similar study showed eating whole eggs increases HDL (good) cholesterol.

25. Eat breakfast. A review published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that those who eat breakfast are more successful with long-term weight maintenance. Other research has shown the same for weight loss. Grab hardboiled eggs, scrambled eggs, Greek yogurt, a piece of fruit and handful of nuts, or make a smoothie. It doesn’t have to be fancy.

26. Eat the bulk of your meals in the A.M. Then eat progressively less throughout the day. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition showed that eating most of your calories earlier in the day positively influences weight changes.

27. To burn more calories, stay upright. This means not sitting in front of a computer, TV, phone, etc all day. Stand and you’ll burn more and be more productive. This could even save your life. Discover Why Your Office Chair is Killing You.

28. Use the stairs. That’s right: Skip the escalator and elevator. This won’t make or break success, but every little bit helps. So get in all the movement you can.

29. Eat low-energy, dense foods. These are foods that are high in water and lower in calories, such as fruit, veggies, soups, and salads. Studies at Penn State University have showed that the inclusion of these foods helps individuals eat less total calories overall.

30. Don’t grocery shop hungry. If you do, you’ll buy everything in the aisle -- instead of sticking to your list. And most of the time, the foods you buy when hungry will the kinds that sabotage your weight loss efforts.

31. Replace side dishes with steamed veggies. Restaurants will often allow you to substitute the fries or chips with steamed veggies. All you have to do is ask.

32. Bake, don’t fry.

33. Use the fat-burner in your backyard: your grill. (And make sure you have a copy of Grill This, Not That! -- the extraordinary guide to grilling that can help you lose 10, 20, 30 or more pounds.)

34. Order dressing on the side. But here’s the bigger secret: Dip your fork in dressing, and then in the salad. This saves a ton more dressing than if one was to order it on the side, and the pour the entire cup on the salad anyway. Fewer calories equal less weight.

35. In the airport: Carry your luggage, don’t roll it. Again, not a deal breaker in terms of success -- just another way to increase energy expenditure.

 36. Skip the “Venti lattes” and opt for plain coffee. (Or better yet, tea.) Those extra large “designer” coffees can pack a belly-inflating 500 or more calories per serving!

37. Embrace oats. Plain rolled oats will help fill you up more than the high sugar breakfast counterparts. Moreover, 1 serving provides a lot less calories than the sugar coated alternatives.

38. Fidget. A study published in the journal Science showed that those who fidgeted more often -- for example, changed their posture frequently -- weighed less than those who didn’t. This extra movement was termed NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis).

39. Laugh often. A study presented at the European Congress on Obesity found those who laughed hard for approximately 10 to 15 minutes each day burned an additional 10 to 40 calories/day. Multiply that by 365 and those calories can add up!


40. Leave something on your plate at the end of the meal. Every little bit counts.

Okeh, settle lagi 20... Last sekali Part 3 nanti ada lg 21 Tips... Kalau baca tips2 ni dan praktikkan, rasanya memang boleh turun berat badan... Tapi sama ada nak buat atau tidak jer... huhuuhuh

Selasa, 3 Julai 2012

61 Cara Mudah Turunkan Berat Badan - Part 1

Hari ni nak share artikel ni yang saya ambil dari laman web 20 yang pertama dulu.... Nanti letak panjang2 jemuh pulak nak baca... hihihi.... Ok, jemput baca yer... Boleh juga dipraktikkan mana yang mampu... :-)

1. Have a clear goal. It should be one that anyone in the world can measure and understand.


2. Drink tea. Research suggests that those who drink tea -- black, green, or white, as long as it’s from real tea versus herbal tea -- have lower BMIs and less body fat than those who don’t consume tea.

3. Eat cayenne pepper. A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition showed that when compared to placebo, capsaicin -- the active ingredient in cayenne -- increased fat burning.

4. Decrease/eliminate processed carbs. They do nothing for you outside of creating a favorable environment for gaining fat.

 5. Eat more veggies. They fill you up, without providing many calories. Just avoid the high-calorie dressings.
6. Eat more fruit. No one ever gained weight from eating more fruit. And that includes the so-called “high sugar” fruits like bananas and melons.

7. Lift weights. Heavy weights. Build more muscle, burn more calories.

8. Cut down rest time between sets. This will keep your heart rate elevated causing an increase in calories burned. The good news: You can sky-rocket your heart rate and torch belly-fat fast with The Spartacus Workout for Men and The Spartacus Workout for Women -- the most popular fat-blasting workouts in Men’s Health and Women’s Health history.

9. Do intervals. Study after study after study continues to show intervals are more effective and time efficient than longer activity performed at a lower intensity.

 10. Eat more protein. Replacing refined carbohydrates with lean protein will not only help satiate you, but will also increase your metabolism -- through something called the thermic effect of food.
11. Eat protein more frequently. It’s important to also time your intake so you’re eating protein regularly throughout the day -- not just in one lump sum, like most do at dinner. Every meal and snack should include some protein.

 12. Supplement with fish oil. A study published in Lipids fed mice diets enhanced EPA and DHA -- a.k.a. fish oil. The researchers learned that the mice fed diets higher in omega-3 fats had significantly less accumulation of body fat. Other studies have shown similar results. (Dalam Shaklee ada Fish Oil Terbaik iaitu Omega Guard)

13. Do full body exercises. Think: squats, deadlifts, chin-ups, and push-ups. You’ll get more bang for your buck out of each workout. Want even better results? Discover the 100 Greatest Fitness Tips of All Time.

14. Cycle your carb intake based on your activity level. Sure, carbs are important. But on the days you don’t work out, you simply don’t need as many compared to the days you exercise hard. Rule of thumb: The more active you are, the more carbs you can eat, and vice versa.

15. Start your meals with a salad. Salad will provide some bulk to help fill you up -- so that you eat less calories overall.
16. Don’t forget the fiber. Think of fiber like a sponge; it absorbs water and makes you feel full.
17. Add beans to your salads. It’s a nice way to add some additional fiber, protein, and healthy carbs.
18. Replace one meal a day with a large salad and lean protein. This is a simple way to instantly improve your diet.

19. Drink water. Professor Dr. Brenda Davy and her Team from Virginia Tech University found that giving people 2 cups of water before each meal resulted in greater weight loss after 12 weeks. The reason? It helps fill you up.

20. Keep a food journal. There’s no better way to track what you’re putting in your mouth.

Have a nice day... :-)